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Strike a Balance with Ayurveda to Manage Diabetes

Dr T R Karthik


Does Ayurveda Have Treatment for Diabetes?

The answer is a simple yes. Ayurveda practitioners address diabetes using a multipronged approach. They begin by making significant changes to one’s diet, eliminating sugars and simple carbohydrates, and emphasizing on complex carbohydrates. Protein is limited, since excessive intake can damage the kidneys.

Fat is also limited because there is often a deficiency of pancreatic enzymes in individuals with diabetes, making fat digestion difficult. A cleansing program is then incorporated using herbal massages and fomentation, which is then followed by panchakarma.

Apart from Ayurveda treatment, colon hydro-therapy is prescribed to cleanse the digestive tract and reconstitute the system. Additionally, Ayurveda practitioners also use several herbal preparations as medication for diabetics. Exercise is another important part of the treatment. Yoga and breathing exercises are advised.


Herbal Medication

  • In Ayurveda, there are twenty different forms of diabetes, out of which ten are related to kapha dosha, six from pitta dosha and four from vata dosha.
  • Among the most important herbs for all doshas (kapha, pitta and vata ) are shilajit, gudmar, turmeric, neem, amalaki, guggul and arjuna.
  • Ayurvedic medication specifically for diabetes includes vasanta kusumakar ras, chandraprabhavati, shilajit, kathga kathiradi kashayam, nishaamalaki and amrutha choornam. In certain cases, these medicines help to bring down sugar levels, hence sugar levels should be carefully monitored.
Diabetes is a serious disease, and Ayurvedic medication should not be taken without the recommendation of a qualified professional. Remember, do not stop taking prescription medications or alter insulin injections without first consulting your doctor.

Traditional Oil Massage and Exercise

  • Massage adopted as a daily practice ensures proper circulation and relaxes muscles. It also relieves stress and tension and increases circulation of lymph fluid which provides more oxygen, glucose, proteins, and other vitalizing chemicals for the blood.
  • Massage makes the body active and energetic. Regular massage every day, on alternate days or once a week helps prevent most diabetic ulcers, peripheral neuritis and neuropathies.
  • Yogic exercises can help with diabetes. When practiced as part of a daily yoga routine of breathing exercises, meditation and poses, these exercises enhance 

Dr T R Karthik is an Ayurveda Physician with Apollo Wellness Plus, Chennai

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